About FSG
We are pleased to welcome you to the FSG Alumni website. During your time at FSG and in Groningen, you probably have made a lot of friends and connections. The FSG Alumni Network aims to maintain these relations.
Importance to FSG
Besides the advantages for FSG Alumni, FSG also benefits from involvement between the Alumni Network and FSG Members. Advice from former FSG Members about participating in events or activities they organised themselves already has proven to be very valuable. Besides, current active members often use the network of FSG Alumni to increase the quality offered at in-house tours.
Three socials are organised for the FSG Alumni each year. The first social will take place in June, the second one in November. These events are organised for the FSG Alumni and old-active members. The third event will take place in March and is for old FSG Board Members only.
The third event will take place on the 7th of March in Amsterdam. This event will be the old board members' dinner. With this event, we invite all old board members to come and meet each other again over a great dinner.

Eva Beukers
+31 6 33322496
For any inquiries concerning our activities, becoming an FSG Alumnus or getting in contact with our Alumni please contact the FSG Secretary.