Company contact

About FSG

With over 1800 members, FSG is one of the most active and most professional study associations of the Netherlands. FSG offers a broad range of sight broadening events from an academic background, to recruitment tours to firms in the Randstad and network socials. By offering these activities we always try to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

FSG targets students of the Bachelor and Master studies Accountancy & Controlling and the Master studies Finance, International Financial Management, and Management Accounting & Control at the University of Groningen. Furthermore, we are also committed to serve all the financial interested Bachelor and Master students at the University of Groningen. 

Exposure Possibilities

  • Events

    Participate in one of our events in Groningen or an in-house tour an get the most personal contact with our members.

  • Online Exposure

    Highlight your company on our website on the home-  or career page, through mailings or other social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

  • Other Opportunities

    We offer several other partnership possibilities and we are open for tailormade recruitment possibilities. Please contact us for details.


David van Elsdingen

David van Elsdingen

+31 6 23682973

Do you need advice about your opportunities, or do you already know that you want to collaborate with us? Our External Relations Officer is always open to help and discuss the options with you.